Cream Poetry
~An age old art form reclaimed~
Ode To Malcolm
Like a creamy sunset, from top to bottom the shades of your "h"whipped complexion vary.
The Orion's Belt in freckles that scans your upper thigh guides me through the long autumn nights.
Like a chocolate cream sundae, the waves of your hair beckon me towards a bright future.
The hairs of your calf flow downwards like the salmon searching out their mates.
Like a strawberry dollop, your nose flares gently, like a doily.
The hard cream pegs that are your teeth form a fortress around your gummy gums.
Like a licorice slug curled below your brow, one eyebrow is raised like the egret's head at first light of dawn.
The tater-tots adjoined to your feet remind me of my breakfasts at Catholic girls summer camp.
Like Matt Dillon's finest movie, the glory of your youth precedes you into the room.
As I look beneath the bed of your nail, I see the soil of the plains our forefathers once raped.
Diamond &Gem
9-6-2009, 3:05:00 AM, New York
Ode to Reid
His neck is the phallic fulcrum upon which the creamy gourd of his soul rests.
The electric blue pools of his eyes channel David Bowie.
Like the grand canyon has a twin, your dimples wink simultaneously.
Your double scars are like two serpents hissing for my attention.
In my dreams I want to ski down your jaw.
Your warm cream hands grasp the coiled vines of your base.
Your eyes are like two melted marshmellows with chocolate pupils sitting in your graham crackerskull.
The cream of your nose drips down to create the symbol of a claw.
Your moist lips fit the contours of my love like leather gloves.
Diamond & Gem
2008, Massachusetts
Ode to Emmett
Your cone shaped nose points me in the direction of Truth and Harmony
Your teardrop nostrils inform me of future happiness.
When you walk into a room you bring with you the knowledge of a thousand men.
Like wet mud that nourishes the earth, your shirt relflects love.
The orange freckles of your cream complexion radiate heat in my direction.
Like a purple cream amphibian, you explore your mahogany environment.
Your hair is like bronze corkscrews that open the wine
Your fresh water pools of enlightenment enchant me.
Diamond & Gem
2007, New Hampshire
Ode to Pacifico
Your bald spot is like an Oasis in a hot sandy desert.
Your nose is like the end of a Dairy Queen cone when a new employee messes up.
The flatlands of your ears trigger memories of my youth in the mid west.
One diamond twinkles at me and I feel like you wink coyly in my direction.
The scatted bones within your mouth frighten young children.
Your wet curls channel The Outsiders and Eddie Murphy's inlaws.
Your dimples create deep pools of truth where Buddhist monks often bathe.
Thick soled black shoes symbolize your sturdy, kirkegaard-esque nature.
The thick lines of your tat are like Rothko's muse at a live concert.
Diamond & Gem
2007, New Hampshire
Ode to Wyatt
The twin mud rives on your brow remind me of Mercury's Solstice.
The brown cream of your hair enlightens me on the thistle I once hid behind as a young lad.
The tremendous pink periwinkle of your lips pushes my soul into infinity.
The scars of your injury map out a quest for solidarity.
The chocolate forests on your cheeks are like labyrintes taking me to Atlantis.
The sound in your eardurms resonates the harm in hunting to me.
Like praying manti, your fingers frizazzle the guitar strings.
The soft cream flesh of your elbows is juxtaposed with the dark hard cream of your bicep.
Like spring foliage the curly ivy of your legs streams towards heaven.
Diamond & Gem
2007, New Hampshire
Ode to Bingham
Like Cherry Blossoms your Nordic bangs swing to and fro at small children at the park.
Your snake like tongue darts in and out of my dreams while you recite the pledge of allegiance.
The morning algea of your eyes flutters and twitters. Twittle Twittle.
The cream sausage fingers of your hand point me in the right direction.
The sandy beaches of your smooth cheeks remind me of the Buddha in the evenings.
The hard cream pegs that are your teeth dictate both English English and American English.
The creamy alcove above your lips is like Poseidon's trident in the moonlight.
Your adam's apple brings me back to the good ol' days of the Garden of Eden.
Diamond & Gem
2007, Massachusetts
Ode to The Old Man on the Bus (Santa)
Your whisps of cloud that rest atop your cream frame look at me uncertainly.
Stroking the silver flames that billow amidst the cream blossom of your chin, you enchant me.
The thick lenses of your eyeglasses magnify the passion in your eyes.
The way you look at the hard grey plastic of the ceiling, proves to me that you would be an exemplery father.
The bush like nest of your face offers a Haven to small woodland creatures.
You pinch the cream strawberry of your nose between two creamy fingers and wipe sweat from your brow with the cream of your forearm.
The rippling muscles that are your biceps express your talent for chopping down tall oak trees.
The sheen of your man purse tells me that there is a god.
Your adventurous experiences are depicted in the wrinkes of your face.
The beige cream orb of your gut denotes the world of knowledge that is Santa Clause.
Diamond & Gem
2007, New Hampshire
Ode to Bobby
Your nose is like a bulldozer of cream.
Your cheeks are like plains of strawberry cream.
Your sideburns, like two forest fires.
The caves of your eyes look deep within my soul; they gaze at the mother whale: earth's belly of truth.
When you smile, it's like a newborn babe awakening to a bright summer's morn.
Your dimples are like rays of sunshine which warm my heart.
When I see your hair I feel like I am in tufts of chocolate cotton candy.
As you marvel at the jewels of the ocean glittering two and fro, I understand the meaning of life.
Your neck is like a block of cream that supports your marshmellow skull.
Diamond & Gem
2007, New Hampshire
Ode to Daniel (the dog)
Your name rings like a 1,000 Scottish church bells.
The golden locks that envelope you in illiteracy cry out to me.
You fetch the stick like a brown bear catches his New England Salmon.
Your eyes are cream dollops of mud.
When you lick my face it's as though I am being bathed by the tears of God himself.
Zealously you squeak and twitter pleading to be let free into the velvety hills of equality.
You beg for my food as though you are a peasant boy in West Prussia.
Like my own private snufalufagus you drool as the violin plays on towards the heavens.
Diamond & Gem
2007, New Hampshire
Ode to Emily Z.
One eyebrow is high than the other.
Your gas is of the geizers at yellowstone.
Your abysses of Black forest peer at me.
The straw of your eyebrows tell me I am a good person.
Your eyelids slinker morse code.
The hole of your mouth gapes open like the anus of my cat after a cold winters day.
You are a creative genius of love with giant block triangles in corners.
Pecs dance the two step as his buttocks twitchy twatchy.
When I see the tumor in your eyelid I want to go to med school to perform your surgury to save your beautiful eyes.
The peak of your nose is diagnoal like the streets of San Franscisco.
Two velvety slopes of your cheeks with your lashes fighting them
your bosom is inviting to newborns.
Green pastures cover them with a hooded peak of transcendant glory of auburn.
Diamond & Gem
2007, New Hampshire
Ode To Dana
Once in the desert I saw your face
and you had freckles from the hot summer's sun
you reached out and petted my hair
your rough, manly hands pulled at my curls
despite your frequent moisturizations.
Through your hands I could feel your passion for lovemaking.
Your fingers felt like cream stubs of truth.
Your nails like long hard cream pegs.
Your eyebrows like chocolate cream worms.
I caressed your defined jaw line with my long cream fingers.
Your nostrils like two black holes of cream
and when they move all of your energy is released in the form of lovemaking.
Diamond & Gem
2007, New Hampshire
2007, New Hampshire