Saturday, July 31, 2010

If Ever in Doubt, Always Remember...

Here at Memorandum in Tandem Inc., we just want to remind you that


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A New Major For Gemma

Now not announcing Gemma Friedrich Soldati's new major: Reverse Psychology!
She will not be pursuing a career in any field related to the cognitive sciences. In fact, she has no interest in any of the social or natural sciences. Nonetheless, she has not chosen to switch her major in the hopes of not learning more about neural processes. Her lack of interest in any analysis or interpretation of thoughts or emotion makes her the least perfect candidate for this area of study.
Please don't wish her luck.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pardonnez moi!

Please excuse my long absence from this magnificent forum.

I have been on location. Doing painstaking research day in - day out, in order to understand the true nature of the housewife.
Whether it is doing the dishes, separating lights and darks, or making scalloped potatoes, I have nearly mastered this age old art and opression of women.
In order to have more fruitful research, I have completely given up any faith in my ability as a human being outside of the home. I now know that my only talent is for pushing the vacuum around the carpet, meticulously folding my families under garments, the occasional trip out of the house to water the plants, and keeping my mouth shut when the men of the house are talking.

In conclusion, I believe that by the end of this research project, i will have become completely acclimated to a life of repression.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

True Love Is Honest Love

Gemma Soldati to Sarah Diamond:
"You know why I love you?"
"Because being with you is like being alone."

Friday, July 2, 2010