Thursday, May 26, 2011

Diamond and Gem Mind The Buzzcocks

We were recently introduced to the Red Button Series, the part of Never Mind the Buzzcocks when Phil Jupitus and Noel Fielding verbally spar over pressing issues like U2 vs R2D2, Cat Steven vs Cats, and Coldsores vs Coldplay.

In this vein we bring you the first installment of our own contribution to their noble efforts.

Aerosmith vs Aerosoles
One is the quintessential American rock band. The other, comfortable and sturdy foot apparel for the stylish woman with bunions.

You Decide

Friday, April 22, 2011

A Very Merry Happy Anniversary to us

It seems as though our server here at Memorandum in Tandem fell prey to the deadly Y2K virus, causing us to completely miss our one year anniversary. Our interns and IT department are working around the clock to fix the situation...

Nevertheless, congratulations to us for a successful year of up to the minute professional journalism and cutting edge style that never ceases to inspire.

We look forward to another great year supplying the masses with their fill of divine bravura.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Hair Scarf

Tired of short hair? Don't have the patience to grow it out? Wish there was an alternative to hair extensions to give you luscious locks at a moments notice?

From the company that brought you the revolutionaryBump-It's, Memorandum in Tandem is teaming up with Bernard James' line Hunt and Gather to bring you the latest in haute couture accessories. An innovation sure to make waves in the fashion world.

The Hair Scarf.
This scarf made out of 100% human hair will make you the talk of the town. Perfect for any occasion. The Hair Scarf blends in so well-no one will ever know the difference!

Place your order today

Sunday, February 6, 2011

No Apologoies

After missing the entire month of January, Diamond and Gem want all our devoted followers to know...we have forgotten you.

Luckily, today I remembered you all.

Diamond has been busy. And I have been lazy.

I predict that this weekend a new cream poem may be added to our repertoire.

Stay tuned. Even when we forget about you.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Art Reclaimed

One night, back in 2009, Diamond and Gem met in a dark computer lab. In quiet secrecy, they drew each other in most serious earnestness. Gazing into the other's eyes, each described with pen and ink that which was true within her own eye. And behold! A masterpiece!

Monday, December 6, 2010


As I sat on the subway staring at my reflection --my favorite passtime-- in the empty advertisement display case, it dawned on me, as things often do, that widow peaks are a rare and undervalued commodity in this day and age.

I understand that it is genetics which provides us lucky individuals with the edgy hairline secretly envied by many, but it seems tragic to see the rounded hairlines of the masses.

This makes me wonder, what does it all mean? Are those with widows peaks gifted with some unique potential? Do widows peaks innately hold beauty or are they simply bestowed on already beautiful people?

So many questions with so few answers...

I believe it is my duty as a self proclaimed "widowpeaker" to follow in the legacy of the great widowpeakers before me. I think we all know the admirable man of whom I speak...

Just as I have remarked on the absence of the Donner Party from the public eye, so too do I feel a void of widows peaks.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Aquazanies

Our latest hobby...Perilous, yet rewardingly artful.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Name is Jonas

There are three kinds of people in this world:
People that hate The Giver
People that love The Giver
and people that haven't read The Giver

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We Love Answers! Especially for Questions We Thought We Knew the Answers To

In 1970, a new group of feminists calling themselves the Radicalesbians answered a question many had been, and still are, asking:

What is a lesbian?

"A lesbian is the rage of all women condensed to the point of explosion."

Savor this definition, for it is unlikely that it will be published anywhere else. It is rare that one finds something so profound and simultaneously unhelpful. Except on this most excellent of blogs where we serve up such offerings on a regular basis.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Note On The Ancient And Noble Sport Of Kick Ball

Today as I wandered around the 14th ward of Philadelphia, trying to register voters, I came across a rare but exciting sight: adult team kick ball. Dressed in neon uniforms were not neighborhood children but grown men and women enjoying an involved and exciting game.

Our interaction went as follows:
Me: Good afternoon, great day for a game.
Player 1 (not looking at me): Yeaaahhhhh Meg!!!! Nice one girl! (turning to me) How are you?
Me: Great, thanks. Do you mind my asking but are you registered to vote?
Player 1: Yes of course.
Player 2: We are kick ball players. Of course we are registered to vote.
Me: True, I forgot that rule.

As a reminder to all of you out there about to make the same embarrassing mistake I made, I share this story. People who join an adult kick ball league know their civic duties.